“We are what we eat.” This expression, acumen for million different food traditions all over the universe, plays notable role when you are abroad. As it is not only home you are leaving, but also the digestion you are accustomed to. Along these lines, you alone are standing before foreign cuisine and different eating traditions. It is very normal to be highly concerned with quality and quantity of food at your future institution. Personally, I was terrified, as I did not know what to anticipate from the Agnes Scott College nutrition system. Moreover, when I first arrived (middle of August) the quantity of students on campus was so small, that our fare was quite modest. It all changed when more students took their first steps into the fall semester. From the beginning of September, Evans Dining Hall was transformed to one of the busiest buildings on campus. For that moment, the assortment of food I have eaten at Agnes is quite satisfying, and I am sure you can find a sufficient number of items to maintain a healthy diet.
There are four divisions in Evans dining hall for “hot food”. The first one serves main entrees, such as vegetable ragout, all kinds of fresh cooked meat and other delicious dishes. The second stand devoted to pasta is loved by many.. The third one is assigned to burgers and French fries. The fourth one is for pizza. Every Friday the fifth stand is open and lovely Mexican food is served there. There is a small stand where you can get some soup. Eventually, in the middle of the room you will see the stand full of fresh vegetables, sauces, yogurt and some fruits. That stand is what I love the most about Evans. Moreover, little ladies from Global Village School come to Evans Hall every lunch, and they are lovers of Evans ice cream. Thus the variety of food here is rich enough to keep you full for 9 months or 4 years at Agnes Scott College!
As I wrote this blog, my coordinator in the Office of Admission, suggested I beyond my personal knowledge and opinion about Evans and interview the Director of Food Service, Mr. Pete Miller. Actually, I thought it was a great idea and asked Mr. Miller some questions about Evans, so that professional conception can help youladies create an adequate image of our college.
Interview with Mr. Pete Miller, Director of Food Service at Agnes Scott College.
Mr. Pete Miller, Director of Food Service
Mr. Miller:
“I’d like to welcome our future international students and tell them a bit about food traditions at Agnes Scott.
1.Meal Plan
Initially, all international first-year students are obliged to have 21 meal plan, which means they will be able to get three meals per day. Plus, they have $50 of declining balance on their cards, which basically gives them an opportunity to buy some snacks from Black Cat Café or Mollies (both of them are located in the Alston Campus Center). Moreover, if they have a visitor coming over, they can pay for the guest’s meal using the fund on the declining balance. Transfer students or upper class students can purchase 16 meals per week, which will instead have a $200 declining balance.
Checking in for lunch
2. Variety
Being in the South of the United States we have a huge array of traditional American food. However, we realize how many students there are from all over the world, thus we try to have international flare as often as possible. We are all Americans cooking, so sometimes our international food is a bit Americanized. We have Mexican, Italian and Asian dishes of wide assortment. Agnes Scott College is cognizant of you being here every day, so we try to diversify your nutrition.
Moreover, there are more and more people in the world swtiching to vegeterianism, and we totally support it! Actually, we have stations in the Dining Hallthat are strictly vegeterian. Plus, for every meat entrée there is always a vegeterian option suggested. You will not be a starving vegeterian at Agnes Scott College!
3. Changes of Evans
Evans Hall was under renovation few years ago, when there was only one serving lot and a salad bar. Now there are seven serving lots and a salad bar. Students nowadays need lots of choice and we decided to give them the dining hall they wanted. Our students used to come to the dining hall, get everything from one stand and eat. Now it is much more different, you can have home cooked pizza, pasta, salad, vegan stir fried dish, fish, burger or just grab some cookies! Our saladebar has a great choice of vegetables and soups as well. There is also a bakery run by a woman named Betty, she bakes things that the students love. Eventually, back in the old days, everything was cooked back in the kitchen and then served in the dining hall, whereas now everything is cooked just in front of the students.
Ms. Betty
4. Feedback
In case you have some coments on dining hall’s operation, there are several ways for your opinion to be heard. Number one is a coment board, we call it “The Beef Board”, where students write their opinion about the dishes they enjoyed or had some remarks on. It is a great way for us to get an immediate feedback on the dishes we cook. The other way to get students’ opinion is an online servey held in the end of the each semester. Finally, we work with the Student Senate organization, which is also a great way to hear about food concerns.
5. Quality
The quality of food is more than important for us, so much so we get fresh food deliveries daily. We order local, here I must admit we are very lucky to be located in the South of the United States, where growing season is considerably long. Thanks to our geoposition we can get fresh products almost year-round. Product delivery gets more complicated in winter, but even then we try to get fresh harvest from neighbor states, such as South Carolina. Tennessee, Albama and Florida. By getting products from Georgia we help support local farms and supply our students with the best quality food.
6. Sustainability
Waste is something we have been working on for the long time. We have reduced our dregs by 70% by composting all pre and post-consumer waste. For instance, if you eat chicken and there are some bones left, they are sent to the compost bin, as well as vegetable peels. We also have reduced our water usage. Typical cafeterias have trays, but we have determined that if we decrease our tray usage, it will save 80, 000 galons of water a year! Thus, currently we are trayless dining facility. Moreover, our dining hall has lots of windows, and we try to use the daylight as long as possible to economize electricity. There is a Sustainability Department on campus and we work hand to hand with them in different programs on recycling. All the paper, cans and plastic goes to recycling, which is very important for us. We make sure everything you throw away is sorted, reused or composted instead of polluting the landfill.
Next, Evans Dining Hall is the place where you can eat as much as you like. However, just for the sustainability issue we ask students to take as much as they are able to eat, to makes sure we do not have excessive amount of food wasted.
7. Traditions
We have got two Agnes Scott traditions, one is Taco Friday and the other one is Fried Chicken Wednesday. We do a Mexican buffet every Friday lunch, which usually consists of nacho bar and many other Mexican treats. In terms of the second tradition, being in the South, every Wednesday we serve fried chicken and baked chicken. Moreover, everybody like sweets that Betty makes: her snicker doodles, chocolate chip cookies and brownies. Those are the things you always remember after being at Agnes Scott.
Despite the fact that future transfer and exchange students will be challenged by new food, it will not take them long to adapt. Plus, Decatur is full of different ethnic restaurants. In case you are lucky to be housed at Avery Glen apartments, you will also have a chance to cook. I am from Kyrgyzstan, a country so small that there is no ethnic cuisine around Atlanta. On the other hand, I live in Avery Glen and often cook for my roommates and myself! I hope this information was helpful to you guys, do not hesitate if you have got any questions!
Our spring break ended with an amazingly warm day. When I
went for dinner on campus, the road was decorated by fascinating bloom of the
campus trees. It was such a pleasure to meet all the girls again, to learn about
adventures as well as funny moments of their trips. Once again I felt the very
special atmosphere of Agnes Scott College, the moment when you are enjoying a great
time with your friends and at the same time you realize how many assignments
you have left. I wanted you guys to know more about the way we - the
international students - study and, as important, the way we enjoy our spring
Meerim Ruslanova, exchange
student, Kyrgyzstan:
- I had a delightful time in Miami. I went
there to visit my friend. We had so much fun and I finally got to swim and
sunbath after three long months of winter! The city and the sun of Miami give
you so much energy! I am so ready for the beginning of my classes now!
Jenna Landemaki, exchange student,
- My spring break was spent in the mysterious
country of Nicaragua. I think a human being can never get enough of sun, beach
and ocean. All the stress I had was gone, this country is truly amazing and
Fabienne Feldman, exchange
student, Switzerland:
- I went to Savannah for St. Patrick’s Day! It
was such an amazing time, again the beach, again the sun, smiling people
around, the gripping atmosphere of unity and celebration. Undoubtedly, being in
Georgia’s oldest city for the St. Patrick’s Day was unforgettable part of my
spring break!
Those were only a few friends of mine, who traveled a long
way to their dream vacation destinations. In the case that you are at Agnes
Scott and you decide to stay on campus during the spring break, I will suggest a
couple of places to visit in spring
Undoubtedly, if you are curious enough, the first thing you
will do when you are in Atlanta is buy a City Pass and use it to visit five
sights in the amazing city. Everything included in the City Pass is totally
worth visiting. For the ones who are not yet aware of what City Pass means: it
is a small brochure with tickets to five of Atlanta’s sights. City Pass allows
you to visit 5 attractions in nine days. It costs about 74 dollars per person,
and it is much cheaper than purchasing tickets for each of the places you want
to visit. Here is the link to learn more about City Pass: http://www.citypass.com/atlanta
When you finally have the City Pass in your hands, you can
visit the Georgia Aquarium (the
Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is the largest
aquarium in the world housing more than 100,000 sea creatures), World of Coca
Cola (Coca Cola is originally from Atlanta!), Zoo Atlanta or Atlanta History
Center, Fernbank Museum of Natural History or High Museum of Art, and CNN.All
of these places deserve visited visit. Personally I went to the Atlanta History
Center separately, with my host mother.
most probably, you will visit all of afore-mentioned destinations before the
spring break. What else is there to do on the spring break then? Here are some suggestions:
1. Martin Luther King Jr
Center/Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site – series of buildings that will tell you everything about the Reverend
Dr. Martin Luther King (an American
clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement; he is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.)
2. Stone Mountain Theme Park: more than 5 miles (8.0 km) in circumference at its base, and is
surrounded by the Stone Mountain Park. The summit of the mountain can be
reached by a walk-up trail on the west side of the mountain only, or by the
Skyride aerial tram. Stone Mountain is a perfect place for hiking and canoeing. Please make
sure, you visit the place on weekends.
3. Little Five Points shopping district is famous for the alternative culture it brings to Atlanta. It has been described
as Atlanta's answer to Haight-Ashbury, a melting pot
of sub-cultures, and the Bohemian center of the Southern United States. The district has lots of shops, where you
can find the most unusual stuff. I have also found an organic food market
there. Moreover, annual Halloween Parade takes place in the Little Five Points.
Every time I go to Little Five Points I pop in to Baba's Turkish and
Mediterranean Delight and have small Turkish pies that have the taste of home.
Eventually, if you are visiting Little Five Points, make sure you eat Atlanta’s
best burgers at Vortex Bar&Grill (to enter you must be over 18 years old
and have your passport with you).
4. Atlanta Botanical Gardens - a very pleasant place to visit in the spring. I have visited the gardens
in the beginning of February and I still loved them a lot!
5. Margaret Mitchell’s House and Museum. I had a pleasure of visiting this place on my
spring break. The museum was established in the apartment building where
Margaret Mitchell used to live. For the reference, Margaret Mitchell was an
outstanding writer, the author of world famous novel Gone with the Wind. This
novel reflects the life of Atlanta during the Civil War and the period of
Reconstruction. Margaret Mitchell’s life is worth learning about.
6. Intersection of Highlands street and Jackson Street. Solely I, not any other online source, make
this suggestion. If you are on the intersection, walk on Jackson St. towards
the bridge. When you are on the bridge, you will see something truly
breathtaking. It is one of the spots to see and enjoy Atlanta skyline. It looks
especially beautiful at night, but please go there by car and do not be alone.
Safety is the priority!
7. Piedmont Park. Of course, if you visit Atlanta Botanical Gardens you will have a chance
to get to know Piedmont Park. Basically, the Botanical Gardens are situated at
the entrance to Piedmont Park. It is not as big as Central Park, NY, however, it
is the nicest place to be in spring. Actually, I visited the park for the first
time during the Music Midtown – open-air concert held in Piedmont Park. It was
an amazing music festival where I got to see T.I. and the Foo Fighters! The
park’s football field opens an unforgettable view to night Atlanta skyline! It is a
great place to take pictures.
8. Alliance Theater at the Woodruff Arts Center. When you are in Atlanta, please get some time
to see a performance at the Alliance Theater! As a matter of fact, I went to
this theater during my fall semester for a performance of What I Learned in Paris. There is no need to repeat how theaters
develop you spiritually. When actors play, you feel how real they are. People
can make thousand takes for on scene in the movie, but it is all totallydifferent on the stage! It calls for an actor
with a real talent to make the audience believe that his or her character is
true and alive! Those were things to do in Atlanta in the case you have decided to
stay in Decatur for the spring break. I hope you find this information useful
and enjoy your time in the magical city of Atlanta! Eventually, I have made a video about our student and staff's plans for the spring break! Enjoy and see you again in the next blog, Ladies!
I hope you all are doing all right! By the way, here in the
South of the US it is common to say “y’all” instead of “you all”. Today my blog is called “10 Things You Must
Know About Agnes”. It is very common for study abroad students to build the
image of the campus, as well as community, based on the information they find mainly from online sources. However, sometimes
the constructive text given on the college’s website is not enough and you want
to ask a current student for her impressions. Therefore, I am here for you,
sharing my experience, my vision and understanding of everything I see at
Agnes. Thus, if you want some officially approved and edited information,
please visit ASC’s website. I am not a professional movie editor, nor I am
professional blogger. I just want to use each opportunity to help you be prepared
to study and live here. Finally, I have made a video for this blogpost, so you
can watch and have a better understanding of what I am writing about.
Well, let’s continue with 10 things you must know about
Agnes Scott College.
# 1.
We Call Each Other Scotties
As you might know already, every school in the US usually
has a mascot. Our mascot is a Scottie
dog, which is, I must admit, adorable. The first day I came here my host
adviser told me something like “being a Scottie”. At that time I was so
unfamiliar with Agnes Scott, that I did not pay attention to her words. Only
several weeks later, when I entered the cultural environment of my college, I
felt that very different sense of unity, which today I call being a Scottie.
Associating yourself with the term of “Scottie” is more than just being present
at college. It is more about engaging the social life and challenges of
college. This feeling of unity of all wise women around you sets you free of
stereotypes and the desire to copy somebody as everybody here accepts you the
way you are. Thus then, when you feel you are a Scottie, you will remain one
for the rest of your life! I do not know what official sources say about
“Scotties”. I just told you my own experience of me becoming one of them.
Moreover, before your classes start, you will have an Honor Pledge Ceremony,
where you will pledge to be honest, open-minded and a responsible person. I
wrote “person” on purpose, because you are signing this pledge for more than
your period of study, you are signing it as a promise to be wise woman for the
rest of your life.
We have a Black Cat Week
I have read about Black Cat when long before coming to ASC.
As I knew it was the brightest tradition of the college, I couldn’t wait to see
that event live. Moreover, I was not wrong in my expectations!
Black Cat week is a perfect opportunity for new
international students to get to know new people, as there are lots of
activities that require collective performance.
The decorations were all around the campus and I loved them
(I just bought my camera at that time, so I had great time taking pictures of
every single piece of decoration!). Actually, it was surprising though, how
much effort students put into preparing garlands and fancy cardboard women. The
funniest part is probably the Bonfire, you do not want to miss it Ladies!
Eventually, the most intriguing part is the Black Cat formal
dance, of course. ASC usually rents a building for the official party. Do not
worry about the transportation – it is all included in the ticket you purchase.
Please, make sure you purchase your ticket beforehand, for they are more
expensive when at the door. You can also invite your date for this celebration;
it is all up to you. Personally, I was without a date and still had some fun
with my friends, who were mainly international students (American students
usually have dates). Thus, it is a wonderful week full of fun; do not miss it!
Date Raffle
Date Raffle, the beginning
This is an extremely interesting tradition at ASC conducted
by Witkaze club. Annually, several men are invited to the Agnes Scott College
Date Raffle. Those men are “sold” to the girls from Agnes to join them on Black
Cat Official! Do not be scared, there is nothing inhumane about this tradition.
Men come voluntarily, and all money they are “auctioned” for goes to charity.
It is just a very entertaining way of fundraising. The night of the event Evans
Dining Hall is overcrowded, you can see approximately all students here. Moreover,
it is not only guys whoa re auctioned, but the ladies as well! I definitely
advise you to attend the Date Raffle; it is not the event to miss!
International Fashion Show
Our Pakistani beauty on Fashion Show
As a matter of fact, this is the event I enjoyed the most! I
was backstage photographer and a model at the same time. What we do for the
international Fashion Show is show our students traditional costumes from all
around the world. The students are divided into two parts – one smaller
fraction is modeling and the other is enjoying and watching.
It was unforgettable and very helpful experience – to see so
many traditional costumes! Now I know what people wear in Pakistan and
Bangladesh, for example. I had a costume of Saudi Arabian woman, the abaya and
hijab basically. It was very beautiful and elegant. The other amazing factor
that played huge role in leaving such a strong impression was the delicious food!
We had samosas, the eastern fried dumplings and many other dishes.
The atmosphere of a celebration was wonderful! Our girls had
a chance to experience what it is like to be a model. Putting on make up,
learning how to walk on the runway, it all created a very specific spirit which
somehow united the whole backstage and this union went up to the stage, where people
greeted us with applause! What can be better after midterms?
International Students decorate the Christmas Tree at
President’s House
President Elizabeth Kiss and Karolina Klimczak at the Christmas tree party
It was an amazing event that created the very special
“Christmas mood” for me. All the international students of Agnes Scott were
invited to college President Kiss’s house. It was a surprise for me, as back in
my country the head of the university would never have international students
at his house! Plus, some days prior to the remarkable event we had a great
Christmas party at Evans Dining Hall, where President Kiss made a speech for
Well, we decided to go to the Christmas tree decorating
party, even though it was not clear what to expect. I did not know our
President well enough to make any predictions. However, when we came all the
shyness I had flown away! President Kiss welcomed us, showed her house and
eventually led us to the room with the Christmas tree. There were about twenty
international students; we had some snacks, talked about everything and nothing
at the same time. Personally, I loved the event and, I must admit, we had
decorated an amazing Christmas tree!
We have decorated the best Christmas tree ever!
International Express
Last minutes of International Express Kyrgyzstan
How much do you know about your country? This is the first
question you must ask yourself before applying for International Express.
Basically, this event is a country presentation, where you are given an hour to
show ASC students and staff what your country is like, and might as well be
that you get some of your traditional food. I made a country presentation less
than a week ago, I talked about my country, made a video and tried to get
everybody as closer to my country as possible. Representing a country is a huge
responsibility, as every word of yours will build the image of your homeland in
the heads of people who came to listen to you. Moreover, I have visited about 5
country presentations and learned a lot from them! International Express just shows
you something that nothing in online sources or books can show.You feel the atmosphere of the country, as if
you have truly spent an hour there! If you are on campus and you learn that
International Express is going to take place, please do not miss it (the food
served is usually fantastic!). Eventually, in case you are planning to represent
your country, bring your traditional costume or some souvenirs to show!
198 participants of GILC-2013
Georgia International Leadership Conference is annual event
that takes place in Rock Eagle 4-H Conference Center, Eatonton, Georgia. Agnes
Scott College gives you the opportunity to take part in the conference. You
will have an adviser who will drive you and take care of all the logistics
problems you might face. Thus, do not worry for the transportation and
accommodation. Your goal is to attain as many leadership skills and make as
many friends as possible! GILC looks like a huge melting pot! International
students or students who have studied abroad are eligible to take part in the
conference. This simply means that you will get a chance to meet people from
all over the world; you will get to know people from every continent (except
for Antarctica)! All of them have experience of traveling,
overcoming barriers and stereotypes, free of any type of discrimination and
inequality. I am glad I participated in the conference and get to know many
wise young people, future leaders of our world!
The Campus
I shall do a very special video on
every part of ASC campus! It is the most gorgeous place I have ever been to!
When I first came here, it felt just like Hogwarts (if you know your Harry
Potter), and I knew I was going to love this place!
We have several buildings, and Agnes
Scott College is very small compared to other universities in Georgia. Campus
looks very harmonious as all the building are combined into one style.
Moreover, in the beginning of the year I used to ask first year students why
they had chosen ASC. There were lots of girls who stated: “I came here, saw the
campus and understood I want to study here!” I love the campus as well and hope
you will get a chance to see this sophisticated masterpiece of architecture!
View to my favorite part of Agnes Scott College
I would be bored if I did not have
Atlanta! Decatur is situated a 10 minutes drive from the South’s largest city –
Atlanta. As the matter of fact, Agnes and Decatur are extremely calm and safe
places. You can focus on your studies, or bring your children up here. However,
sometimes we all get to the point when we need a big city, to feel the energy
of the megalopolis, see all the people rushing back and forth!
I love Atlanta, it is very different
from New York or Chicago. It is a delightful combination of big city and
friendly cheerful people! Visit this city whenever you’ve got a chance!
Family in Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Sunday afternoon
We have the best Artists
For me Agnes has this different
atmosphere – crazy mix of scientist and artists. However, as I am not close to
science, I cannot judge our science majors. Being in love with art, I admire
our artists, their talents, be that on canvas, or on stage. If you make it to Agnes
Scott College, please visit at least one of our concerts and enjoy wonderful
music and performance!
A very special Valentine, Dana Fine Arts building, Agnes Scott College